Friday, September 25, 2009

Baby Blake

Blake Alexander at 20 weeks
Blake Alexander at 33 weeks

I went to the doctor today and we decided to go for a scheduled c-section. Due to my baby's ever growing size and the fact that I want little complications as possible with this baby, we decided this was the best way to go. I have another ultrasound next week due to me measuring 4 weeks ahead. It's so weird to think that if this was Jonny, I would be having him next week! This time last pregnancy I had elephantitis in my ankles. Or shall I say cankles (cow ankles). I feel better and my blood pressure is down. Now if only my lower back would stop hurting and I could sleep more. But no pregnancy is comfortable so I am doing good. The baby is healthy and so am I. So far I have gained 6 pounds. And four of them was today's visit (grr). Praising Jesus that all is well and praying Blake comes safely into the world!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

These Boots

"These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do. One of these days these boots are going to walk all over you."
I want to scrap some pictures of Jonny in his daddy's shoes, and he was so willing gto jummp into these (with daddy's help) and take pictures. Now that he says "cheese" (he makes his scrap bookin' mama so proud) he makes picture taking so much easier.. He did a great job and thought the boots were fun, until he tried to walk!!

My Adventurer

I absolutely love this pic! I came out to see what the boys were doing, and Seth had grabbed his pirate gear and dressed them both up like pirates!! I laughed so hard as I went to grab my camera!! This is so cute!
We are still trying to help him dress.. His daddy put his pants on his head... Poor baby.

This is not him climbing into the dryer but climbing out before he is caught. He was a little too late though. I got a picture as fast as I could.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My new job

I am officially a bonifide Creative memories consultant! If you are in the Indianapolis area or the surrounding area and need a consultant, I am available! I am so excited about all of this, having parties, being a consultant at parties hosted, and doing all other fun stuff! I love (adore) scrap booking and this is a great way to do something I love. If anyone wants to host a party, become a consultant, or buy cool stuff, come see my website: Planning another party soon!