Blake Alexander at 20 weeks
Blake Alexander at 33 weeks
Blake Alexander at 33 weeks
I went to the doctor today and we decided to go for a scheduled c-section. Due to my baby's ever growing size and the fact that I want little complications as possible with this baby, we decided this was the best way to go. I have another ultrasound next week due to me measuring 4 weeks ahead. It's so weird to think that if this was Jonny, I would be having him next week! This time last pregnancy I had elephantitis in my ankles. Or shall I say cankles (cow ankles). I feel better and my blood pressure is down. Now if only my lower back would stop hurting and I could sleep more. But no pregnancy is comfortable so I am doing good. The baby is healthy and so am I. So far I have gained 6 pounds. And four of them was today's visit (grr). Praising Jesus that all is well and praying Blake comes safely into the world!